Our STEAM Focus » Our STEAM Focus

Our STEAM Focus

Edlio Central High School is a leader in providing a STEAM-focused education for its students. STEAM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics, and at Edlio Central High School, students have the opportunity to explore and excel in all of these areas.
One of the standout programs at Edlio Central High School is the engineering program. Students have access to state-of-the-art technology and equipment, and are able to participate in hands-on projects and competitions. This program is designed to give students the skills and knowledge they need to pursue careers in engineering and related fields.
In addition to the engineering program, Edlio Central High School also offers a strong science program. Students have the opportunity to participate in research projects and labs, and can choose from a variety of science electives such as biology, chemistry, and physics.
Technology is another area where Edlio Central High School shines. From coding and programming to design and multimedia, students have access to a wide range of technology-focused courses and clubs. These experiences not only prepare students for careers in the tech industry, but also help them develop important skills such as problem-solving and critical thinking.
Art is an integral part of the Edlio Central High School experience, with a variety of art electives and extracurricular activities available to students. From painting and drawing to photography and graphic design, students have the opportunity to explore their creative side and develop their artistic skills.
Finally, the math program at Edlio Central High School is designed to challenge and engage students at all levels. From foundational math courses to advanced topics such as calculus and statistics, students have the opportunity to explore the world of mathematics and develop the skills they need to succeed in a variety of fields.
Overall, Edlio Central High School is committed to providing a well-rounded and engaging STEAM education for its students. With a variety of programs and extracurricular activities available, students have the opportunity to explore their interests and passions in science, technology, engineering, art, and math, and to develop the skills they need to succeed in the 21st century.